on Ending Poverty

  Poverty is a plague which has touched or will touch any of us at one time or another, it is not limited to countries classified as third world. It is, however, commonly known as the African continent's plague, and the more neglected they feel, the more diseases spread, education lacks and conflicts or corruption thrives.


  What causes poverty is not only neglect, but the misconception of others, mainly revolving around the fact that it is too big a problem to solve, too many people to save, too many organizations have tried and the result is minimal or not fast, nor it is enough for the masses, plus the soil there is not fertile enough and so on.


  By seeing the images of poor countries on our TV\s throughout the years, we have definitely seen one thing, and that has been the entire story: we have seen the faces of poverty.


  Focusing on people is the main story here, as they are the same as we are, although of different color, they have the same body as we do, however it is a malnourished body, and we have to do something about it, because same people must have some opportunities, and some opportunities produce various results.


  Our world has marched toward a more inclusive societiy, but it often forgets there are more people on this planet for it to count as "our world".

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