on Ending Poverty
 And speaking of world nations, the United Nations is a body which should have the authority to operate without borders, much like "Doctors without borders" often do, because saving lives and offering first aid and sanitation to those in need after a situation or a natural disaster is their calling... What is the UN's calling? Is it not, as well, to see that a country which is seated at its round tables meetings has everything it needs in order for its citizens to enjoy life, to have no food worry, no water supplies worries and the likes? If this is the mission of some charities around the globe, what is the UN's mission?


 Should the UN make it its priority to see that no country is ever going hungry or thirsty in the 21st century, there is a need for them to act as united nations standing up for their nations, and that would mean overseeing any third world government, or a corrupt leadership that doesn't care or has no worry for their own people as far as their basic needs are concern, and start an airlift and airdrop program.

 Such a calling would bring a blessing to remote locations and to downtown places located in troubled neighborhoods alike. With proper security overseen by the UN itself, no individuals should ever grow up malnourished or feel isolated because the world does not care for them.


 If there is a need for a doctor somewhere, an organization like the UN should help facilitate an airlift, then airdrop that doctor along with medical supplies to wherever, whatever the circumstances, same as if there is a need for immediate food to wherever on our planet. The UN could definitely collaborate more with charity organizations.


 If governments cannot do it themselves or are not willing to, the world should care about this suggestion.