Have you ever been to the gym?


Welcome to the GIM,
God invited Ministries!


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 If you've never been to a church in your lifetime or if you've never invited God in your life, then this ministry invites God to be with you, to show you the way, to enlighten your path with the truth and to make sense of your life.

 Exercising your mind, having your soul palpitate and having your breathing carry a meaning in keeping you alive, these are all clauses which God has entrusted upon us in order to keep the covenant with us, to never let us go or stray away from Him, even giving a part of Himself to this world, showing us that we too can make it, for He has made us to succeed, showing us, therefor, that we too can prevail, like He came and prevailed, all through faith and all in one lifetime, thus sacrificing for us so that we shall be saved in His Name !


 At a normal physical gym you would take care of your body. In a holy GIM you are taking care of your spiritual self, your inner blessed persona, the one which the Lord wants you to keep healthy and productive. 
 Your faith, your prayer, your hope, your reverence and your worship are the most important communicative tools with the Lord, Your God. You should always keep these five elements refreshed, for they reform your own self before God... while...
 Imagination, conscience, memory, reason and the affections all form your persona. They are the gates to your soul.
You can read more on this subject at this Bible.org site.

 At a normal literature study you would learn about sentences, words, attributes, metaphors and the likes. In a holy classroom of life you would learn that we could assimilate ourselves to being these words and those words inside sentences, and you would learn that paragraphs upon paragraphs form a life-story, with us as these and those life-forms which reside in the Book of life with God at the top of this story presiding as the title!

 It is captivating that in this world we are studying math, science, art, medicine, technology, astronomy and so on, stuff which we need to survive or to coexist or to understand about ourselves, but it is also amazing when we learn about ourselves from the Creator Himself, how to coexist with one another from the laws that He set out, how to survive in this world based on a perfect world that is in Heaven, one which we must have our sights upon so that we may get there safely one day. Heaven should also inspire the way we act here on Earth, for would it not be better if we'd apply for goodness, and practice that goodness instead of the bad or the wrong, instead of misusing one another or misinterpreting ourselves!

 Throughout our normal, daily life we are walking among people, various people. Walking with the Lord, until the Saviour's arrival, meant "to walk in all His ways, and to cleave to Him" (Deuteronomy 11:22), while Joshua 22:5 adds "to love the Lord your God and to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments and to cling to and unite with Him and to serve Him with all your heart and soul", (emphasizing the law that Moses was granted by God to hearken to his brethren). After the Saviour's, the Messiah's first coming, we are meant to walk with the Lord, be with Him, inviting Him (and inviting Him consistently or diligently) to be a part of our daily life.


 The love and appreciation that God has for us is manifested in the Lord's presence in our lives, shoud we decide that this is the path that God meant for us... to walk with God... namely, to walk with His Word, to wak in His Spirit, to do the will of the Father through His commanded word of love through His Word (His Son, our phrase-well for a blessed, overflowing, eternal life).


 In John 1:7 we are truly enlightened by the highlighted Word of Light, and we should decide that it is better to walk in the Light and not lose our ways through the dark... " But if we are living and walking in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin and guilt."


 Furthermore, if you are a light yourself, say, an inspiration to others, then you are truly a torch, as walking among other people, a torch much like the Lord is for you, connecting you to the Father and interceding for you for God, the Father; you are that highlighted small fire (light), burning like a star which belongs to the kingdom of Heaven.


Think of the repercussion...
When you do a thing that is so far off, so far fetched, so much that you wonder if it came from you or from another source, then it may not have anything to do with you, your normal behavior or your daily routine.

 Do not invite such thoughts which may have undesired outcomes, do not introduce yourself to a regrettable deed which may turn out to be a misdeed.


Think this:

 If a thing, therefore, turns out to be so unexplainable, then it is self-explanatory!

 If a thought or a deed has not produced a good path leading to a good outcome, then it was not from God.


 Hence, do not get an invitation from any other source, but rather you invite God in the foremost of your intentions, because the Lord invited you first… "in the beginning!"


 Invite God in your life today;
 Invite the Lord, 
   for He carries the path to Heaven, He will have the keys to unlock any door, to unlock any subject!

 We like to think that...
In the world there's the Lord, and the Lord is the Word in the world.

In this Ministry,

God is invited!

© image by webmaster; more to come
Genesis 1:26 ; Micah 5:2 ; Isaiah 54 ; 
John 3:16 ;
John 3:17

What to learn from God? There are a few things to note about life in your mind and keep them knotted in your soul.

Please read about it...

© image by webmaster; more to come

Contact us at thegim   a t   godinvitedministries . org
God bless you!!